راه آهن سازی پیشرونده
The Federal Aviation Administration in March gave BNSF Railway Co. permission to use drones with several restrictions, two of which were that they be used only over BNSF railroad infrastructure and at speeds below 50 knots (57.6 miles per hour), according to a report in Progressive Railroading.
BNSF's involvement will explore the use of drones to inspect rail infrastructure beyond visual line-of-sight in isolated areas, and hopes to launch its Pathfinder initiative late in 2015, Progressive Railroading said.
PKP Cargo, a freight rail company in Poland, has been testing drones to enhance security since early 2014, according to Progressive Railroading.
The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority last summer used drones to provide high-resolution pictures and real-time data to give contractors a comprehensive view of an extension project that allowed them to avoid potential issues, Progressive Railroading said.
, a rail security consulting company, said in Progressive Railroading that drones were ideal for the rail industry because rail networks were fixed locations so drones always will be operating along the same line of airspace.
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